Feature Description
50003510 Revision A 139
• Call Forwarding - Forced Call Forward
This feature allows a SUPERSET 4015, SUPERSET 4025, SUPERSET 4125,
SUPERSET 4150, SUPERSET 410, SUPERSET 420, or SUPERSET 430 telephone user to
force a dialled call to forward immediately rather than waiting for the ringing timeout. One
application of this feature is to leave a quick voice mail message for someone who you know
is not at their desk.
• Call Forwarding - Forward Call
This feature allows the user of a SUPERSET multi-line telephone which is ringing, to force the
call to be forwarded to a pre-programmed forward destination. Users can forward both ringing
calls and camped on calls. With a SUPERSET 4150 or SUPERSET 430 telephone, the user
may view the calling party identity on the LCD display, and decide if it is to be forwarded or not,
rather than having the system forward it automatically.
• Call Forwarding - I’m Here
This type of forwarding operates the same as Forwarding -Always, but it is activated from
another extension. All calls are forwarded to the new location. The forwarded extension can
originate calls in the usual manner.
• Call Forwarding - Internal / External Split.
This feature allows internal and external calls to be forwarded to different destinations. For
example, internal callers can be forwarded to Voice mail, while external callers can be routed
to an attendant. This allows for more professional call handling. Call Forwarding - Always, Call
Forwarding Busy, and Call Forwarding - No Answer may have a different destination for internal
and external calls. The extension can originate calls in the usual manner.
• Call Forwarding - Toggle Keys
Feature keys may be programmed as toggle keys for Call Forwarding - Always, Call Forwarding
- Busy, Call Forwarding - No Answer, or Call Forwarding - Busy/No Answer. The toggle keys
allows you to direct your call forwarding temporarily to another destination with a touch of a
button. You may toggle back and forth between one forward destination and another without
having to reprogram the call forwarding.
This is very convenient for people who leave their desk phone and use a cordless phone for
short periods of time. In this case the user could press a Forward Always button on his desk
phone when he leaves his desk and takes his cordless. After returning, he would press the
Forward Always button again to return the forwarding to its normal state.
LIGHTWARE 19 Release 2.0 introduced tenant-based call forwarding. This allows the installer
to assign common call forwarding destinations for Call Forwarding - Busy and Call Forwarding
- No Answer to tenant groups in CDE Form 19. This feature is especially useful in the hotel
environment where a one point entry will serve a large group of telephones.