Product Overview
50003510 Revision A 5
SX-200 EL System
The SX-200 EL system can support up to six peripheral bays, cabinets, or SX-200 IP Nodes.
The SX-200 EL System has the following characteristics:
• Main Control Card IIIEL (MCCIIIEL) or Main Control Card IIIELx (MCCIIIELx)
• Bay Control Card II or Bay Control Card III, Bay Power Supply Card, and depending on
the configuration, a maximum of two of the following carrier cards: Control Triple FIM
Carrier Card, Control Dual FIM Carrier Card, Control Triple CIM Card
• ONS/CLASS Line card, LS/GS card, LS/CLASS Trunk card, Universal card, COV card,
DID card, OPS card, DNIC card, PRI card, BRI card, Digital Line card, and T1 card
• Maximum of 96 physical ports using a single cabinet
• Maximum of six Peripheral cabinets, two SX-200 IP Nodes, six SPINE Bays, or six ISDN
• Maximum of 672 physical ports in the system
• Requires LIGHTWARE 17 or greater software. To support the SX-200 IP Node, you must
have LIGHTWARE 19 Release 3.0 or greater software.