11 - 16
11 - 16
6) Sending error log write pointer (BFM#23360)
• This address stores the error log block area number where the latest
sending error logging is registered.
* If the pointer value is "8", it means that the latest error logging is
registered in the sending error log block 8 area.
• When 9 or more sending errors occur, the registration of sending error
logging starts from sending error log block 1 area again.
7) Error log block - Error code (BFM#23361 onwards)
• This block stores the error codes that indicate the contents of errors.
(See Section 11.4.)
8) Error log block - Command code (BFM#23362 onwards)
• This block stores the system command codes for the error causing
9) Error log block - To (BFM#23363 onwards)
• This block stores eight words from the beginning of the sending source
mail address of an error causing e-mail during communication with the
mail server, in ASCII code characters.
If the sending source mail address was
"use@from.add.sam" is stored as ASCII code characters.
10)Error log block - Date (BFM#23371 onwards)
• This block stores the time and date on which the e-mail is sent in BCD
• The order of date and time to be stored is the same as for the date and
time of e-mail reception shown in (a) 11).
11)Error log block - Subject (BFM#23375 onwards)
• This block stores 30 words from the beginning of the Subject of the
• A Subject is not stored successfully if it contains characters other than
alphanumeric and ASCII code.
0 : No error. (No registration of sending error log)
1 or more : Error log block number where the latest sending error
logging is registered
The sending error log block area consists of eight error log blocks that have the
same order of data items.