Sequential Mode
With this feature, VPort 2140 Video Server can upload snapshots periodically to an external
E-mail or FTP server as a live video source. The interval can be set from a tenth of a second to
several hours in Snapshot every □ tenth seconds. The external E-mail or FTP server must be set
up in the Network configuration page.
Send Snapshot by Email or FTP
Snapshots taken by either event operation or sequential mode can be sent by E-mail or FTP,
which are set in the Network configuration page. If email is chosen, the snapshots of the video
channel will be attached to the emails. If FTP is chosen, administrators can choose to add date and
time in the file name of the snapshots by checking FTP file name with date and time suffix. If
the snapshots are used as the live video source, the date and time suffix can be eliminated to
update the same source file.
In Sequential mode, the VPort will send out snapshots according to interval and period settings.
If snapshot files are intended for quick updates, it is better to skip the date and time suffix, in
which case the file name will be video.jpg. If the snapshots are used for occasional monitoring,
suffixing with date and time can help administrators easily classify the snapshots.
Compared to the FTP method, email will induce more delay, although email can notify users
more promptly.
View Snapshot
The administrator can check the latest pre-event, the moment of event and post-event snapshots by
clicking on the View Snapshot button.
Click on Save to activate the applications when you finish the settings.
VPort 2140 User’s Manual