
mdch1 <not required> enable motion detection on video 1
mdch2 <not required> enable motion detection on video 2
mdch3 <not required> enable motion detection on video 3
mdch4 <not required> enable motion detection on video 4
di1 High, Low, Rising, Falling or Disable DI1 condition
di2 High, Low, Rising, Falling or Disable DI2 condition
di3 High, Low, Rising, Falling or Disable DI3 condition
di4 High, Low, Rising, Falling or Disable DI4 condition
delay <integer> delay time of DO after event
do1 High, Low or Disable DO1 action
do2 High, Low or Disable DO2 action
eventch1 <not required> take snapshots on ch1 while event happen
eventch2 <not required> take snapshots on ch2 while event happen
eventch3 <not required> take snapshots on ch3 while event happen
eventch4 <not required> take snapshots on ch4 while event happen
dura <integer> snapshots taken after event
inter <integer> tenth seconds interval after the event
mdmode <not required> enable motion detection(emode should
smode <not required> sequential mode application
sinter <integer> tenth seconds interval for sequential
mail upload snapshots by email smethod
ftp upload snapshots by FTP
suffix <not required> FTP file with date and time suffix
Motion detection configuration URL
URL: /cgi-bin/motion.cgi
Value Description
cam <1 ~ 4> Video channel number
per <integer> object size percentage
sen <integer> sensitivity percentage
Demo configuration URL
URL: /cgi-bin/demo.cgi
Value Description
open <not required> enable demo account
camctr1 <not required> allow demo user to control PTZ camera on video 1
camctr2 <not required> allow demo user to control PTZ camera on video 2
camctr3 <not required> allow demo user to control PTZ camera on video 3
camctr4 <not required> allow demo user to control PTZ camera on video 4
view1 <not required> allow demo user to watch channel 1
view2 <not required> allow demo user to watch channel 2
view3 <not required> allow demo user to watch channel 3
view4 <not required> allow demo user to watch channel 4
Homepage layout configuration URL
URL: /cgi-bin/layout.cgi
Value Description
cuslogo blank hide logo
VPort 2140 User’s Manual