3-30 Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual
Advanced Configuration
This is to provide advanced settings for advanced driver features beyond basic
settings described in the previous
Basic Configuration. Similarly, in “Board
Settings” dialog,
board reset (described later) is available for the latest
configuration to take effect without kernel rebuilding and system reboot.
1. In the “Advanced Board Configuration” dialog, you can press Enter in each field
to select the desired option. The fields are details as follows.
On Board Line Discipline
Advanced feature is set to “Enable” by default, which means all the tty line
discipline jobs, e.g. translating NL to CR, will be done on the
C218Turbo/PCI board (Terminal mode), instead of doing them on host. This will
reduce the host workload significantly. If it is set to “
Disable”, the tty line
discipline will either be done on host (Terminal mode) or be not done at all
(Transparent mode). Please refer to “Feature” field in the “Advanced Port
Settings” dialog on next page.
Baud Rate Mapping
This advanced feature is set to “High Band” by default, indicating that the baud
rate 50,
B50, will no longer stand for 50 bps. Instead, B50 means 57600 bps,
B75 is for 115.2 Kbps, B110 is for 230.4 Kbps, and B134 is for 460.8 Kbps, and
B150 is for 921.6 Kbps. You may press F1 Help for on-line details.
If this feature is set to “
Low Band”, the original definition of UNIX baud rate
mapping are used.