3-34 Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual
However, before the board reset is issued, you must make sure that
1. All enabled ports must be disabled.
2. All processes related to the Intellio C218Turbo/PCI, including getty or tty
monitor, are killed.
Once the board is reset, the following message may show if it is successful.
MOXA Serial I/O Board (Ver x.x)
MOXA-C218Turbo/PCI (MemBank=XX000;BusNo=X;DevNo=X) is found.
If one of the following message appears, please see Chapter "Troubleshooting".
WARNING! C218Turbo/PCI (MemBank=XX000;BusNo=X;DevNo=X) not found!
Or ERROR! C218Turbo/PCI (MemBank=XX000) download failed!
Driver Removal
If you want to remove the Intellio C218Turbo/PCI device driver and return to your
previous system configuration, simply press Enter in this function entry and answer
Yā to confirm. Then the system will be rebuild. This may take some time. If you
answer ā
Nā, no action will be taken.