CE-05171N page 15 of 44
6.0 Using the C3-3 Display to View and Configure the Centurion
Controller Settings
The Murphy C3-3 Display module is a highly integrated opera-
tor interface specially programmed to complement and sup-
port Centurion controller. The primary purpose of C3-3
Display is to display operational and configuration parameters
and provide access to modify the configuration parameters
stored in the Centurion controller.
6.1 Features
• Power
– 10 - 32 VDC (LED active indication)
– Storage power able to withstand 12V crank
• Package and Design
– Same 5 x 5 design as annunciators
– 12 key keypad
• Familiar annunciator keys
• Easy navigation keys
– 128 x 64 graphic backlit display
– Configurable using PC Software
– Field Upgradeable (flash bootloader)
• Communications
– LED active indication for each port
– RS232/485 (Modbus Master)
– RS232/485/USB 1.1 Compliant Port
• Download Configuration/Monitoring
• Approvals
– Approvals for CSA, CLASS 1, DIVISION 2, Groups B, C and D are pending.
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The keypad for the C3-3 Display has 12 keys. The
following table generally describes the keys and
their function for each of the three screen types:
• Operating status screens
• Setup screens (Password required)
• Edit screens (Password required)
Many of the keys have a modified action relative to
the current location of the cursor and the current
page being displayed.