
CE-05171N page 43 of 44
9.0 Appendices
9.1 Back Panel LED Description
There are a total of seven (7) LED indicators on the back panel, labeled as follows:
((PPoorrtt 11))
– Turned on while Port 1 is transmitting data.
– Turned on while Port 1 is receiving data.
((PPoorrtt 22))
– Turned on while Port 2 is transmitting data.
– Turned on while Port 2 is receiving data.
– Turns on while there is a USB connection to a computer.
–Turns on for one half second and then turns off for one half second, repeating as long as there is a valid
configuration running.
Note: This indicator is not active while the bootloader is running.
– This LED is only active while the bootloader is running. It flashes briefly three times when the bootloader
starts up and then stays on until leaving the bootloader.
9.2 Controller Accuracies, and Tolerances
Refer to the Centurion Configurable Controller Specification Sheet for a detailed breakdown of specifications.
9.3 Restrictions on Numeric Values in Gage and PID Monitor Screens
Due to a combination of the limited space and the spirit of the design objectives, there are certain restrictions
imposed upon the formatted size of numbers in C3-3 Display screens.
Positive numbers with no decimals can be displayed with up to four digits.
Negative numbers are limited to three digits.
Numbers of either sign with a decimal place are limited to three digits.
Numbers with more than two decimal places will not be displayed at all, but will be replaced with dashes.
If a number with decimals is larger than the imposed limits, the display algorithm will attempt to adjust the precision
so as to display as many of the most significant digits as possible.
9.4 Set Up Sheet
Refer to The Centurion Configuration Worksheet for a detailed workbook to document field changes to configuration