Press to start/pause text slide show.
Bookmark helps you to mark your place in the text.
Save bookmark
While reading text, long press to mato save bookmark. A window pops out at the left corner. Press rk current
page. The tag changes from “Empty” to “xx% book name. TXT”. “xx%” indicates the position of current page in the whole text.
Load bookmark
While reading text, press for a short time to load book mark. In the popped out window, press / to
ss .
select the saved page. Pre to confirm. Then the screen will change to the wanted page at once
Read book while listening to ic
While listening to music file, long press to go back to main menu. This will not stop the music playback. Select E-book
ou wou
e nine vacancies for you to save bookmarks.
in main menu and then choose the file y ld like to read. To stop the music playback, return to main menu and operate in
music playback interface.
1. There ar
2. The old bookmarks can be covered by new ones.