A. Connect player to PC.
B. Choose the desired music with DRM.
C. Right-click and select “Add to Sync list”.
D. In the resulting dialog, select “Sync”.
E. In the “Sync” window, select the desired music with DRM as step B and choose “Removable Disk”.
F. Click “Start Sync” to transfer the music with DRM to the player.
Press for a long time, select “Setting” mode, then press to confirm.
Setting music
z Repeat mode: seven options to choose from—Once, Repeat one, Folder, Folder Rep, Normal, Repeat all, Intro. Press
/ to move in between, to confirm and return to music setting sub-menu.
z Play mode: Order/Shuffle
Play the current track once
Repeat one
Play current track repeatedly
Play music files in selected folder once
Folder Rep
Play music files in selected folder repeatedly
Play all music files by order once
Repeat all
Play all music files repeatedly
Play the first 10 seconds of all music files