
Event Two - TV Power
In “Event Two – TV Power”, the IntelliControl checks the automation programming of this
particular Master Key. Should the TV turn “On” when this Master Key is pressed? Should
the TV turn “Off” when this Master Key is pressed?
Once the IntelliControl has checked it’s instructions, it refers to the “Snapshot”. If the
“On/Off” status of the TV is different from the instructions, the IntelliControl will issue the
necessary “Power” command to the TV .
Event Three - Preamp Power
When the IntelliControl reaches “Event Three, Preamp Power”, the IntelliControl checks
the automation programming for this particular Master Key. Should the Preamp turn “On”
when this Master Key is pressed? Should the Preamp turn “Off” when this Master Key is
Once the IntelliControl has checked it’s instructions, it then refers to the “Sync Snapshot”.
If the actual status of the Preamp is different from the instructions, the IntelliControl will
issue the necessary “Power” command to the preamp.
Event Four - Component Power (Not Applicable to Master Keys Nine and Ten)
When the IntelliControl reaches “Event Four, Component Power”, the IntelliControl will first
check the programming of this particular Master Key. Should the chosen component turn
“On” when this Master Key is pressed?
Once the IntelliControl has checked it’s instructions, it then refers to the “Sync Snapshot”.
If the “On/Off” status of the component is different than that of the instructions, the
IntelliControl will issue the necessary “Power” to turn on the component.
Event Five - TV Input
The IntelliFile II software features three methods to change the TV’s inputs. See details
starting on page 32 of this manual.
Event Six - Preamp Input
The IntelliFile II software features three methods to change the Preamp’s inputs. See
details starting on page 32 of this manual.
Event Seven - Surround Mode
The IntelliFile II software features three methods to change the surround-sound modes on
the preamp. See details starting on page 32 of this manual.
Event Eight - Ending Sequence
The “Ending Sequence” is used to issue commands that need to be issued after the
IntelliControl has turned on the components and selected inputs and modes. IR
commands included in the “Ending Sequence” are issued without regard for sync.