
For all of the other Master Keys with higher numbers (out of the IntelliControl’s ten
possibilities) which will automatically turn on the shared source component, choose
“Separate On/Off”.
Even though the component only features a single “Toggle” power command, this
technique will enable us to trick the IntelliControl into proper operation by programming the
component’s “Toggle” power” IR command into the “On” location, and a bogus IR
command (such as “play”, or any command belonging to a component not being used in
this system) in the “Off” location. Note: Once again, this programming “trick” is
unnecessary if the component uses separate “On” and “Off” commands.
Press and Hold a Master Key
Optionally, the ten labeled Master Keys may be programmed to trigger an additional
“Function Key IR” command, or a “Function Key Sequence” of up to 26 steps, whenever a
Master Key is “pressed and held” for more than one second.
This function of the system is completely independent of the Master Key automation
programming that occurs when the Master Key is simply “tapped”. Note: If the system is
not active when a Master Key is pressed and held, the normal intelligent automation
programming will be bypassed, and only the “Press and Hold” IR command (or sequence)
will be issued. Additionally, this IR command (or sequence) will be issued without regard to
Typically the “Press and Hold” feature is used to provide the end user with a way to
manually turn a particular component “On” or “Off”. It is frequently only programmed for
the TV Master Key, so that the user can turn on the system with a video source
(automatically switching on the TV), then switch to listening to an audio source (the TV
could be programmed to remain on), and then finally decide to continue to listen to the
audio source with the TV “Off” by pressing and holding the TV Master Key. The installer
has programmed the “Press and Hold” function of the TV Master Key to issue the TV’s
“power” command when that key is pressed and held.
Should the end user desire the ability to manually issue “Power” commands to all of his IR
controlled sources, each of the Master Keys could be programmed via the “Press and
Hold” feature with the IR “power” command for each source. Once again, the “Press and
Hold” feature may also be used to initiate a sequence of up to 26 commands (including
delays and contact closures/openings) from any of the ten Master Keys.
Custom Programming for Preamp/Receivers with Separate On/Off Commands
Several manufacturers are currently offering preamps/receivers with cool features like
“main” and “second” zone capability, separate “On” and “Off” commands for these zones,
as well as rear-panel hardwired IR inputs for each zone.
This enables you to custom program the IntelliControl by not programming “Preamp
Power” the traditional way, but instead by teaching the “On” and “Off” codes to the
“Library” pages so that the Preamp’s “Separate On” command can be added to the “Initial
Sequences” of every Master Key. You may then include the “Off” command as a
sequence step to the “System Off Initial or Ending Sequence”.