
Operation from the Stereo Zones Provided by the ZR-8630AV
User operation from the zones provided by ZR-8630AV units are not affected when integrating a Home
Theater to share source components. (See System Configurations 4 and 5.) Select
and Solo
Master Keypad
Modules in each zone independently operate the zone to which they are dedicated (i.e., Zone ON/OFF,
Volume Up/Down, Mute). When a user in a zone from any ZR-8630AV presses a key/button, the pro-
grammed ZR-8630AV issues the IR commands required for the shared source components (i.e., Power
ON/OFF, Play, Stop, and Channel Up). See the Programming Section of this manual for specific details on
Operation from the Home Theater Zone
A Home Theater can be integrated to share source components with a ZR-8630AV using one of three meth-
ods. How the Home Theater will operate depends on which method is chosen. The three methods of inte-
gration are listed below, along with a description of the Home Theater operation they provide.
Method 1. Integrated Home Theater using 12VHome Theater Sync and IR Repeating
The Home Theater IR Remote (programmed with the actual IR commands of the shared source com-
ponents) sends IR commands to the shared source components through the IR Input on the rear panel
of the ZR-8630AV. This gives control of the shared source components to users in the Home Theater. All
IR commands for shared source components pass through to all seven of the Flasher Outputs on the rear
panel of the ZR-8630AV. Only discrete power ON and transport commands for the shared source com-
ponents should be issued.
Important Note: Because all of the actual IR commands for shared components pass through to all seven
of the Flasher Outputs simultaneously, this method cannot operate identical source components indi-
vidually. Also, when using this method, reliable activation of shared source components that use a sin-
gle IR command for power ON/OFF is not possible. (Refer to Method 2 for operating identical shared
source components and components with a single IR command for power ON/OFF.)
When the Home Theater turns ON, it provides a 12V Status signal connected to the Home Theater Sync Input
on the rear panel of the ZR-8630AV. This provides the ON/OFF status of the Home Theater to the ZR-8630AV.
The moment a valid Home Theater Sync signal is present at the ZR-8630AV, the ZR-8630AV unit’s 12V
control output sends a turn-on trigger for a voltage-triggered AC power strip (i.e., Niles AC-3), activating
latching source components.
When the Home Theater is turned OFF, the ZR-8630AV checks itself and any other ZR-8630AV units in
the system to see if any zones are still ON. If all zones are OFF, the 12V control output shuts OFF, turn-
ing OFF the latching source components, and issues power OFF IR commands for turning OFF the IR-
controlled shared source components.
Method 2. Integrated Home Theater using 12V Home Theater Sync and Niles R-8 Commands
The Home Theater IR Remote (programmed with the Niles R-8 IR commands) sends IR commands to the
ZR-8630AV through the IR Input on the rear panel. This gives control of the shared source components
to users in the Home Theater.
All of the actual IR commands for shared source components are programmed into the ZR-8630AV. When
it receives a Niles IR command, the ZR-8630AV sends corresponding programmed-source IR commands to
the Flasher Output dedicated to the shared source component that is selected (i.e., Source 3 = Flasher 3,
Source 4 = Flasher 4, etc.). This method can operate identical source components individually.
Important Note: Shared source components that are unique in the system can have their actual IR com-
mands programmed into the Home Theater remote and issued for simple IR repeating with this method.
When the Home Theater turns ON, it provides a 12V Status signal that connects to the Home Theater
Sync Input on the rear panel of the ZR-8630AV. This 12V Status signal provides the ON/OFF status of
the Home Theater to the ZR-8630AV.