Photos not recorded in live view mode:
• Sound of mirror clicking down when shutter-release button was pressed
halfway in hand-held mode was mistaken for sound of shutter (0 63).
•Unless Release is chosen for Custom Setting a2 (AF-S priority
selection), shutter release is disabled if camera is unable to focus when
focus mode S is selected in hand-held mode (0 63, 296).
Flicker or banding appear during live view or movie recording: Choose an option for
Flicker reduction that matches the frequency of the local AC power
supply (0 330).
Bright bands appear during live view or movie recording: A flash or other light
source with brief duration was used during live view or movie recording.
Highlights are “washed out” in movies or the live view display: Select Off for High-
sensitivity movie mode (0 72).
Noise (randomly-spaced bright pixels, fog, or lines) appears in photos:
• Choose lower ISO sensitivity or use high ISO noise reduction
(0 110, 291).
• Shutter speed is slower than 1 s: use long exposure noise reduction
(0 291).
• Reddish areas or other artifacts appear in long time-exposures: turn long
exposure noise reduction on when shooting at a shutter speed of
“A” (0 291).
Photos are blotched or smeared:
•Clean lens.
• Clean low-pass filter (0 378).
Colors are unnatural:
• Adjust white balance to match light source (0 150).
•Adjust Set Picture Control settings (0 170).
Can not measure white balance: Subject is too dark or too bright (0 160).
Image can not be selected as source for preset white balance: Image was not created
with D3S (0 164).
White balance bracketing unavailable:
• NEF (RAW) or NEF+JPEG image quality option selected for image quality
(0 83).
• Multiple exposure mode is in effect (0 207).