D Recording Movies
Flicker, banding, or distortion may be visible in the monitor and in the
final movie under fluorescent, mercury vapor, or sodium lamps or if the
camera is panned horizontally or an object moves at high speed
through frame.
Jagged edges, false colors, moiré, and bright spots may
also appear.
If a flash or other light source with brief duration is used
during recording, bright bands may appear or the top or bottom of the
frame may brighten.
When recording movies, avoid pointing the
camera at the sun or other strong light sources.
Failure to observe this
precaution could result in damage to the camera’s internal circuitry.
Depending on the brightness of the subject, changes to exposure may
have no visible effect.
Note that movies can not be recorded if a CPU
lens with an aperture ring is attached with Aperture ring selected for
Custom Setting f8 (Customize command dials)> Aperture setting
(0 323).
Select Sub-command dial when using a CPU lens with an
aperture ring.
Recording ends automatically if the lens is removed.
When used in live view mode for extended periods, the camera’s
internal temperature may rise, resulting in noise (randomly-spaced
bright pixels or fog; the camera may also become noticeably warm, but
this does not indicate a malfunction).
To prevent damage to the
camera’s internal circuits, recording will end automatically before the
camera overheats.
A count-down display will appear in the monitor
30 s before shooting ends.
At high ambient temperatures, this display
may appear immediately when live view mode is selected.
Sounds made by the camera lens when aperture is adjusted or during
focusing may be picked up by the microphone in tripod mode.