How your Nokia M10 works
E Copyright Nokia Telecommunications Oy
NTC C33539002SE_A0
After link configuration an authentication is performed using either
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) or Challenge Handshake
Authentication Protocol (CHAP) if required or configured. If the
authentication succeeds the next step in PPP link establishment is the
negotiation of network protocols which will be transferred over the
PPP link. After this the link is up and running.
6.7.1 Authentication
The PPP protocol suite includes two optional authentication methods.
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and Challenge Handshake
Authentication Protocol (CHAP) ensure that unauthorized users do
not have access to the network services. By default, authentication is
not required as part of the PPP link process. However, if a peer requires
authentication, it must negotiate the use of an authentication protocol
during the link establishment phase.
The manner in which each peer will authenticate the other is negotiated
during the link configuration phase, when each peer specifies whether
it requires authentication and, if it does, the authentication method it
uses. If a link peer requires authentication, the other peer must submit
its name and authentication information before the link can proceed. If
the peer fails to send valid authentication information, the
authenticator terminates the PPP link.
The authentication method used by one peer can be different from the
authentication method used by the other peer. For example, a peer at
one end of a link may require authentication while the other end of the
link may not. Similarly, one end of a link may use PAP to authenticate
peers while the other end uses CHAP.
6.7.2 Network configuration
M10 supports IPCP and BNCP network control protocols. IPCP
network control protocol is used to exchange the IP configuration
parameters. Typically IP addresses are exchanged. M10 is also able to
retrieve the IP addresses from the far end or allocate an IP address to
the far end. M10 also supports IPCP extension for DNS allocation
(RFC 1877) that is used to configure DNS servers dynamically.
BNCP is used to establish the bridged PPP connection.