
E Copyright Nokia Telecommunications Oy
NTC C33539002SE_A0
which you want to act. Arguments in a Config command specify the
values appropriate to your site. For example, the Config command
ip ip-ppp address
consists of three keywords (ip,
ip-ppp, and address) and one argument (
). When you
configure your M10, you replace command arguments with values
appropriate to your site. For example,
set ip ip-ppp address
The optional arguments are marked with braces {argument} and the
mandatory arguments with square brackets [argument].
The Table 5-1 provides guidelines for formatting CLI commands.
Command compo-
Rules for entering CLI commands
Command word CLI commands must start with a command
word (set, show, delete). You can truncate
CLI commands to three characters (set,
sho, del). CLI commands are not case-
sensitive. You can enter “SET“, “Set“ or set.
Keywords Keywords are not case-sensitive. You can
enter “system, “System“ or “SYSTEM“ as a
keyword without changing its meaning. Key-
words can be abbreviated to the length that
they are differentiated from other keywords.
For example, you can reduce the command
set ip ip-ppp option on“ to “set i i
o on“.
Argument text Text strings can be as many as 32 characters
long, unless otherwise specified. Special
characters are represented using backslash
notation. Text strings may be enclosed in
double (”) or single (’) quote marks. If the text
string includes an embedded space, it must
be enclosed in quotes.
Numbers Enter numbers as integers.
IP addresses Enter IP addresses in dotted decimal notation
(nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where nnn = 0 to 255).
Table 5-1 CLI syntax
If a command is ambiguous or miskeyed, the Nokia CLI prompts you
to enter additional information.