IV - 78
Section IV - TCP/IP
OKI OkiLAN 6010e User’s Guide
5. The rarpd daemon transmits a response to
the OkiLAN 6010e with the IP address The OkiLAN 6010e will
then use this IP address for all subsequent
For all these steps to work properly, at least one RARP
daemon (rarpd) must be running on the RARP server.
On most UNIX systems, this can be tested by using the
ps command with the show all processes option. Unfor-
tunately, the ps options differ from one UNIX worksta-
tion to another. Perform a man ps at the UNIX prompt
to consult a manual page on the ps command for a
particular workstation. If rarpd is not running on a
workstation, type man rarpd at the UNIX prompt to
consult a manual page on the RARP daemon and how
to start it.
Often TCP/IP networks are divided into subnets. RARP
does not work across subnets. When installing an
OkiLAN 6010e, make sure the following two criteria
are met for RARP to work properly.
1. Both the RARP server and the OkiLAN
6010e are physically attached to the same
2. The IP address assigned to the OkiLAN
6010e and the IP address of the RARP
server belong to the same subnet.