IV - 91
Section IV - TCP/IP
OKI OkiLAN 6010e User’s Guide
3. Make sure the following entry is in the “/etc/
inetd.conf” file:
printer stream tcp nowait root “/usr/lib/
rlpdaemon” rlpdaemon –i
If the rlp daemon is not running when a print
request is made, this entry in “/etc/
inetd.conf” will tell inetd to auto-start the rlp
daemon and service the pending print
request. This is helpful if the daemon died or
was terminated for some reason. For more
information on inetd or “/etc/inetd.conf”,
type man inetd or man inetd.conf.
4. Make sure the following entry is in the “/etc/
services” file:
printer 515/tcp spooler
5. Start inetd by typing the following at the
UNIX prompt:
/etc/inetd –c
HP-UX uses an interactive utility called SAM (System
Administration Manager) to configure printing.
1. Login to the HP-UX system as root.