100 Microline 320/321Turbo
32T-Knob.tif and PowrCord.eps
32T-Head.tif and 32T-Rolr.tif
Replacement Parts: Part Numbers
Replacement Part------------------------------------- Order No.
Access Cover, ML320T (1) ---------------------------- 53076701
Access Cover, ML321T (1) ---------------------------- 53076801
Acoustic Cover, ML320T (2) -------------------------53076901
Acoustic Cover, ML321T (2) -------------------------53077001
Platen Knob (3) ----------------------------------------- 51902220
Power Cord (4) ------------------------------------------ 56631801
Printhead (5)---------------------------------------------50114601
Pull-Up Roller Assembly, ML320T (6) -------------- 50411001
Pull-Up Roller Assembly, ML321T (6) -------------- 50411101
Documentation: Part Numbers
Document Part Number
Quick Start------------------------------- refer to my.okidata.com
User's Guide -----------------------------refer to my.okidata.com
Reference Manual ---------------------- refer to my.okidata.com
Warranty, Regulatory, and
Safety Information---------------------- refer to my.okidata.com
If you cannot locate your hardcopy documentation or
the CD provided with your machine, go to
www.okidata.com or www.my.okidata.com. Follow the
prompts for your product, and you will find the on-line
versions of all of these documents.
32T-CVR2.tif and 32T-CVR1.tif