User’s Guide: English 125
0 character (slashed, unslashed) 65, 72
10 cpi (Front Panel Light) 17, 60
12 cpi (Front Panel Light) 17, 60
120 volt printer 90
15 cpi (Front Panel Light) 17, 60
17 cpi (Front Panel Light) 17, 60
20 cpi (Front Panel Light) 17, 60
230 or 240 volt printer 90
300 cps (UTL) 86
390 cps (HSD) 86
435 cps (SSD) 86
75 cps (NLQ) 86
ABICOMP 65, 70
Controlling access to the printer 11
Access Cover, Part Number 100
Accessories 98, 99
Part Numbers 99
Purchasing 98
Acoustic Cover, Part Number 100
ALARM flashing 17, 32, 84
ALARM lit 17
ALARM lit, CPI 10 flashing 84
ALARM lit, CPI 15 flashing 85
Alignment problems 11
ASCII Test 36
Auto Carriage return 70
Auto CR+ 68
Auto LF (Line Feed) 68, 70
Auto Select 68
Movement through Menu 9
Bar Codes 87
Communications 27
Printing 67, 71
Block Graphics 65, 70
Bottom Feed 88, 89, 90
Form Tear-Off 66
Line Spacing 66
Pull Tractor (Option) 99
Skip Over Perforation 66
BRASC II 65, 70
Brazil 95, 115
British (Language) 65
Clearing 18, 71
Print 71
Receive Buffer Size 67, 72, 87