108 Appendix D: Printer Commands
Print Postnet Bar Code
Select Barcode type
ASCII: ESC DLE C n [data]
Dec: 27 16 67 n [data]
Hex: 1B 10 43 n [data]
ASCII: ESC [ f Ln Hn Pk Pm Ps Lv
Hv Pc
16-digit: 1B 5B 66 Ln Hn Pk Pm Ps
Lv Hv Pc
10-digit: 27 91 102 Ln Hn Pk Pm Ps
Lv Hv Pc
(ASCII, Decimal, Hexadecimal)
OKI unique command.
n: designates amount of data to follow
n=1 to 20
Data consists of single-digit numbers.
Specifies the barcode setting.
Ln Hn specifies the byte number of pa-
byte number of parameter = Ln+Hn x 256
Pk: Barcode type
Pk (Hex) Barcode type
B2 EAN-13
B3 EAN-8
B4 Code 39
B6 Interleaved 2 of 5
BA Code 128
Pm: specifies the module width (black or
SP bar).
Pm (Hex) Module width (unit: 1/180")
00 2 dots
01 1 dot
02 2 dots
03 3 dots
04 4 dots
Ps: specifies the PS bar width based on
the parameter Pm setting.
Ps (Hex) regulable value for the stan-
dard width of the SP bar.
FD -3
FE -2
FF -1
00 0 (factory default)
01 +1
02 +2
03 +3
Lv Hv: specifies the height of the black
bar (unit: 1/2160")
Height=Lv+Hv x 256
Lv Hv setting will be ignored for
Pk=07H (when POSTNET specified)