78 Appendix B: Menu Selections
Print Mode. LQ Courier (factory default), LQ Roman, LQ Swiss, LQ Swiss Bold, LQ
Orator, LQ Gothic, LQ Prestige, HSD or Utility. Choose one of the LQ fonts for letter
quality printing; choose utility for high-speed printing.
Print Registration. 0 (factory default), 0.05 mm Left, 0.15 mm Left, 0.20 mm Left, 0.25 mm
Left, 0.25 mm Right, 0.20 mm Right, 0.15 mm Right, 0.10 mm Right, or 0.05 mm Right.
Change the setting as required to obtain the best registration for bi-directional printing.
Print Suppress Effective. Yes (factory default) or No. Enables/disables print sup-
press command. The factory default enables the print suppress command: the printer
will ignore all data it receives after it accepts the print suppress command. Change to
No to cause your printer to ignore the print suppress command.
Proportional Spacing. No (factory default) or Yes. Change to Yes to engage propor-
tional spacing of characters.
Protocol. Appears only if optional Serial Interface is installed. Selects the type of pro-
tocol your system uses: Ready/Busy (factory default) or X-On/X-Off.
Receive Buffer Size. 64K (factory default), 128K, 1 Line, or 32K. Selects the amount of
memory devoted to holding received data. Choosing 1 Line will tie up your computer
during printing, but if you about the print job the printer will stop printing much sooner.
Reset Inhibit. No (factory default) or Yes. Change to Yes if you want your printer to
ignore the reset command sent by software. This will prevent your software reset
command from changing the settings you have made through the front panel con-
trols or through printer commands. If you engage this feature, don’t forget that it will
also prevent your software from clearing out existing settings when you finish print-
ing one document and switch to another.
Serial Data 7/8 Bits. Appears only if optional Serial Interface is installed. 8 Bits (fac-
tory default) or 7 Bits. Change to 7 bits if your system uses a 7-bit data format.
SI Select Pitch (10 CPI). IBM mode only. 17.1 CPI (factory default) or 15 CPI. Sets
what pitch (17.1 or 15 characters per inch) will be engaged when the printer control
panel is set for 10 cpi and the SI command is received.
SI Select Pitch (12 CPI). IBM mode only. 20 CPI (factory default) or 12 CPI. Sets what
pitch (20 or 12 characters per inch) will be engaged when the printer control panel is
set for 12 cpi and the SI command is received.