B2520 / B2540
- 24 -
6 - Parameters/Setup
This setting enables you to choose the menu language of
your choice. By default, the multifunction machine is set
to English.
1 Select the required language using and ,
then press the OK key to confirm.
2 To exit this menu, press .
Local prefix
This function is used when your fax is installed with a
private network, behind a company’s PABX. It allows you
to program an additional automatic local prefix (to be
defined), enabling you to automatically exit the
company’s telephone network system, but only under
certain conditions:
• the company’s internal numbers, where a prefix is not
required, must be short numbers less than the
minimal size (to be defined, for example France has
10 digits),
• the outside numbers requiring a prefix, must be long
numbers greater or equal to the minimal size (to be
defined, for example France has 10 digits).
Programming your fax with the local prefix consists of two
1 defining the minimal size (or equal) of the
company’s outside numbers,
2 defining the outgoing local prefix of the company’s
telephone network. This prefix will automatically be
added as soon as an external number is dialled.
1 You can change the default value for the minimal
size of the company’s outside numbers and
validate with OK.
The minimal size will range between 1 and 30.
2 Enter the outgoing local prefix of the company’s
telephone network (maximum 5 characters) and
validate with OK.
3 To exit this menu, press .
Transmission report
You may print a transmission report for all
communications over the telephone network (PSTN).
You may choose between more than one criteria for
printing reports:
• WITH: a report is given when the transmission was
properly performed or when it is completely
abandoned (but there is only one report per request),
• WITHOUT: no transmission report, however, your fax
will note all transmissions that took place in its log,
• ALWAYS: a report is printed with each transmission,
• ON ERROR: a report is printed only if the transmission
failed or is abandoned.
With each transmission report from memory, a reduced
version of the first page is automatically reproduced.
To select the report type:
1 Select the required option WITH, WITHOUT,
ALWAYS or ON ERROR and confirm your choice
with OK.
2 To exit this menu, press .
Document feed type
You may choose the way you want to feed your
•from memory, transmission will take place only after
memory storage of the document and dialling.
It allows you to get your originals back quickly to free
up the machine.
• from the feeder of the sheet-feed scanner,
transmission will occur after dialling and paper
scanning. It allows transmission of larger documents.
To select the way you want to feed your documents:
1 Select the option MEMORY or FEEDER and
validate your choice with OK.
In feeder mode, reduced images will not appear on
the transmission report.
2 To exit this menu, press .
Economy period
This function allows you to defer a fax transmission to "off-
peak hours" and thus reduce the cost of your
The economy period, via the telephone network (at off-
peak hours), is preset by default from 7.00 pm to 7.30 am.
Nevertheless you may change this time slot.
To modify the economy period:
1 Enter the hours of the new economy period and
confirm your selection with the key OK.
If you define a local prefix, do not add it to
the numbers stored in the directory, it will
be automatically dialled with each number.