B2520 / B2540
- 53 -
11 - PC Features
The outbox log
The outbox log is used to keep a history of all fax
communications (successful or rejected) that your
Terminal processes. The log is printed automatically as
soon as an A4 page is filled.
The information held in the log is:
- the recipient of the fax,
- the date the fax was sent,
- the status (sent, rejected ...).
The inbox log
The inbox log is used to keep a history of all faxes
received by your Terminal. The log is printed
automatically as soon as an A4 page is filled.
The information held in the inbox log is:
- the sender of the fax,
- the date and reception of the fax,
- the status.
Fax parameters
Access to fax parameters
1 Click on the icon of the window MF DIRECTOR.
2 Select T
Make the adjustments require, referring to the
description of parameters below and click
Description of the tab LOG AND REPORT
Description of the tab FAX PARAMETERS
The button DELETE deletes the entire log, and
not simply the selected message(s).
The button DELETE deletes the entire log, and
not simply the selected message(s).
Field Description
Automatic printing of a
received document
The fax is automatically printed
when received.
Printing of a inbox
A report is printed out for each fax
Printing of inbox log
The log is automatically printed
when it fills an A4 page.
Automatic printing of a
sent document
The fax is automatically printed
when it is sent.
Printing of an outbox
An outbox report is printed after
each fax is sent
Printing of the outbox
The log is automatically printed
when it fills an A4 page.
Field Description
Transmission speed Fax default transmission speed.
Line number
Number of the line where your
terminal is connected.