C9300/C9500 Software Utilities • 435
3. Click OK.
The Open dialog box appears.
4. Make sure Print spool files (*.prn) is selected in the File of type
drop-down list.
5. Under Look in, go to the folder where the files are saved and
double-click the file name.
The file is saved as a bin file. Filter File Created appears.
6. Click OK.
7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 until you have converted all the files
you wish to add to the project.
Step 4:Add the bin Files to the Project
1. Click Projects ® Add File to Project.
The Open dialog box appears.
2. Highlight the.bin file you wish to add and click Open.
The file name appears in the Project dialog box.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all the files you wish to include in the
project appear in the Project dialog box.
To delete a file from the project, click the file name, then click
Projects ® Remove File from Project.
You can also add files to the project by opening either My
Computer or Microsoft Explorer, browsing to the directory
where the prn files are stored, then selecting the files and
dragging them into the Project box.
If you create a black oval in MS Paint and leave all the color
command filters checked, the black oval will print as a black
rectangle when the overlay is used. To maintain the oval shape, turn
off (deselect) the “Configure Image Data,” “Palette ID,” and “Palette
Control” filters.