C9300/C9500 Software Utilities • 472
How to read the log
The items that are displayed as print logs are as follows:
Column Description
Log No. The ID of the Job
Account ID User Account ID
User User Name
Document Name e Document Name
Total Sheets Number of sheets of paper
Pages Number of printed sides
Status Result - Printed, Rejected etc.
Paper Size Paper size used
Media(*1) Paper type used - Transparency etc.
Paper Type(*1) Paper type used - Light, Medium etc.
Duplex Print Simplex or Duplex
Sheets Number of sheets of paper
Color Number of sides printed in color
Mono Number of sides printed in
Staple Number of staples used
Time the log was acquired(*1) Time the log was acquired from the
printer (completed)
Time the log acquisition
Time the log was acquired from the
printer (started)
Time the process began(*1) Time the job processing started
Time the process ended(*1) Time the job processing ended
Time printing began(*1) Time the printing process started
Time printing ended(*1) Time the printing process ended
Off-line time during
Offline time during processing (if any)
Off-line time during printing(*1) Offline time during printing (if any)
Tray1(*1) Number of sheets fed from Tray1
Tray2(*1) Number of sheets fed from Tray2
Tray3(*1) Number of sheets fed from Tray3
Tray4(*1) Number of sheets fed from Tray4
Tray5(*1) Number of sheets fed from Tray5
Multi-Purpose Tray (*1) Number of sheets fed from Multi-
Purpose Tray
Envelope Feeder(*1) Number of sheets fed from Envelope