
Index 393
stock ticker 109
storage 269
streaming 162
, 210, 211, 340
StuffIt Expander 251
stylus 12
, 42, 43, 297
sub-account passwords 26
support (Palm) 334
support (Sprint) 26, 332
Swap button 70
symbols 48
, 49, 50, 146
sync button 34
, 37, 283
sync cable 11
, 16, 34, 37
sync connector 11
sync operations, troubleshooting 311
322, 324
synchronization defaults 35
, 36
synchronization settings 262
synchronization software 32
, 33, 36
calendar 36
, 138, 222, 316, 317
contacts 36
, 138
email 35
, 138
information 28
, 33, 35, 262, 314
memos 36
over corporate servers 138
over infrared connections 266
pictures and videos 36
tasks 36
voice memos 238
system color schemes 280
system errors 333
system requirements 28
, 363
system resets 304
system sounds 276
System Volume pick list 277
Take new picture option 145
Take new video option 145
Talk button 10
Tap and Drag pick list 167
tapping 12
, 42, 310
Task Details screen 230
adding 230
checking off 231
completing 231
, 233
customizing 233
deleting 232
displaying 227, 231, 233
marking as private 231
prioritizing 230
, 231
setting alerts for 233
sorting 233
synchronizing 36
transferring to smart device 29
Tasks application
changing screen fonts for 278
managing tasks with 230
opening 230
updating information in 35
, 36
Tasks icon 230
Tasks list 220
Tasks Preferences screen 233
TDD devices 93
technical support 26
, 332, 334