
282 Section 5B: Increasing Your Productivity
Synchronizing Files: Windows Vista
1. Do any of the following:
To copy a file from your computer to your device, copy or save the file in the
Documents\Documents on <device name’s> Device folder on your computer.
To copy a file from your device to your computer, copy or save the file in the
My Device > My Documents folder on your device.
2. Connect your smartphone to your computer with the USB cable. (Synchronization takes
place automatically.)
Where Are the Changes I Made to My File?
Don’t look for the changed file in its original location on your computer. Only the synchronized
version of the file contains the changes. To find the synchronized file, do one of the following:
Windows XP: Do either of the following:
On your computer desktop, double-click the <device name> My Documents icon. (This is
a shortcut to the Files sync folder.)
In ActiveSync desktop software, double-click Files. The location of the Files sync folder
appears in the File Synchronization Settings dialog box (under “On this computer,
synchronize the files in this folder”).
Windows Vista: Open the Documents\ Documents on <device name’s> Device folder.
On your Treo, you can find the synchronized file by doing either of the following:
Press Start and select Office Mobile. Select the application that opens the file: Word
Mobile, Excel Mobile, PowerPoint Mobile, or OneNote Mobile.
Press Start , select Programs, and then select File Explorer. Select the list in the
upper-left corner and select My Device > My Documents.
Did you know?
The Documents on <device name’s> Device folder is created when you
select the option to sync files.