
Index 463
displaying 293, 295
editing 292, 293
entering formulas in 292, 296, 304
entering functions in 292, 297
filtering values in 301
formatting 292, 299–300
hiding items in 293, 300
inserting cells, rows or columns in 298
locking rows or columns in 295
opening 293
organizing workbooks in 303
referencing items in 293, 296, 299
renaming worksheets 300
saving 292, 293, 294, 303, 304
searching 302
setting default template for 304
setting row or column size in 299, 300
sorting values in 300
Sprint Customer Service 14, 15
Sprint Music Store 119–120
Sprint National Network 116
Sprint Navigation application 200–201
Sprint Operator Services 16
Sprint service plans. See accounts; data
Sprint Software Store 319
Sprint TV 118
Sprite Backup utility 49, 377
SSIDs 208, 407
SSL encryption 134, 187
Start menu 21, 68, 348
stereo headsets 94, 246
strong alphanumeric passwords 357, 358
stylus 24, 369
symbols 63, 64, 294
See also alternate characters
Sync Mode 46
changing options for 128
checking status of 49
defined 407
disabling online address books for 144
enabling IR port for 337
fixing conflicts 128
getting started with 39, 40
receiving email and 139, 174, 175
restoring information and 377
scheduling 129, 334–335, 395
selecting specific applications for 41, 42,
setting up Bluetooth devices for 336–337
setting up Exchange servers for 125, 332–
setting up PCs for 40, 44–46, 337
ng 48, 247, 335
stopping 339
transferring media files and 226–228,
transferring Office files and 280–282
troubleshooting 227, 387–396, 398, 399
updating system information and 360
synchronization software
installing 40, 41, 44, 46
opening 47, 48
troubleshooting 374, 388, 395
system errors 384