Feature Guide References
1.18.1 Caller ID
Minimum Caller ID Digits (for National)
Specifies the minimum number of digits required in the caller
’s number for it to be recognised as a national
call. The value specified here must be smaller than Minimum Caller ID Digits (for International).
Value Range
Maintenance Console Location
5.3 [3-1-3] Caller ID Modification
Programming Manual References
3.33 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - PRI Port—
Calling Party number—Type of Number—Public, Private
3.33 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - PRI Port— Called Party number—Type of Number—Public, Private
Feature Guide References
1.18.1 Caller ID
Added Number (for International)
Specifies the
number to be added to the incoming telephone number when the total number of digits exceeds
Minimum Caller ID Digits (for International).
Value Range
Max. 8 digits (0–9, *, and #)
Maintenance Console Location
5.3 [3-1-3] Caller ID Modification
Programming Manual References
3.33 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - PRI Port—
Calling Party number—Type of Number—Public, Private
3.33 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - PRI Port— Called Party number—Type of Number—Public, Private
Feature Guide References
1.18.1 Caller ID
Added Number (for National)
Specifies the
number to be added to the incoming telephone number when the total number of digits exceeds
Minimum Caller ID Digits (for National) but does not exceed Minimum Caller ID Digits (for
PC Programming Manual 531
5.3 [3-1-3] Caller ID Modification