
Glossary G-5
One of the available boot methods. Use static if your network
uses fixed configuration. The IP address remains the same
every time the device connects to the network.
Subnet A portion of a network that shares a common address
component. On TCP/IP networks, subnets are all devices with
the same prefix. For example, all devices that start with
192.192.192 are part of the same subnet. Dividing a network
into subnets is useful for both security and performance
Subnet Mask A mask is used to determine what subnet an IP address
belongs to. Companies often have ranges of IP addresses that
can be described by one or more masks. For example, a mask
of allows variation in the last position only,
because the first three positions are fixed.
Telnet A Terminal Emulation program for TCP/IP networks that runs
on your computer and connects your computer to a server on
the network. You enter commands through the Telnet program
and they run as if you were entering them directly on the server
TCP/IP A way that two devices can transmit data between each other.
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol) is
generally the standard for transmitting data over a network.
TKIP (Temporal
Key Integrity
Changes the encryption keys regularly and has time limits
before new keys are created. Changing the key periodically
provides additional security.
TLS (Transport
Layer Security)
A cryptographic protocol that uses client-side and server-side
certificates to authenticate users on the Web. It can
dynamically create user-based and session-based keys.
TTLS (Tunneled
Transport Layer
Provides certificate-based, server-side, mutual authentication
of the client and network through an encrypted channel (or
tunnel). It can dynamically create user-based and session-
based keys.
Transmit Rate See Speed.