
Console Commands 4-13
SHow PRN INFo {MOdel/ SErial/ FIrmversion/
BOotversion/ COntrastpot/ PIcversion/
KNifeversion/ RFidversion/ NEtworkversion/
Shows the specified info parameter. If no parameter is specified, it shows
all parameters in the info category.
SET PRN MEMoryconfig [DOwnloadablefonts/ FORmat/
IMage/ REceive/ TRansmit/ VEctorfonts] value
Sets the specified buffer’s size the specified value.
SHow PRN MEMoryconfig [DOwnloadablefonts/ FORmat/
IMage/ REceive/ TRansmit/ VEctorfonts]
Shows the specified buffer’s current size. If no buffer is specified, it shows
the current sizes of all buffers.
SET PRN MONetary [MOnetarysign/ SEcondarysign/
DEcimaldigits] value
Sets the specified monetary parameter to the specified value.
SHow PRN MONetary {MOnetarysign/ SEcondarysign/
Shows the specified monetary parameter’s current setting. If no parameter
is specified, it shows the current settings of all parameters in the monetary
SET PRN PRIntcontrol [COntrast/ PRintoposition/
MArginposition/ SPeed/ PHeadwidth] value
Sets the specified printcontrol parameter to the specified value.
SHow PRN PRIntcontrol {COntrast/ PRintoposition/
MArginposition/ SPeed/ PHeadwidth}
Shows the specified printcontrol parameter’s current setting. If no
parameter is specified, it shows the current settings of all parameter’s in
the print control category.
SET PRN QUEuecontrol REpeat
Repeats last printed batch.
CLear PRN QUEuecontrol [ALlcancel/ CUrrentcancel/
ABorterror/ Reseterror]
Performs the specified action.