Chapter Three: Maps and Administrator Features
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Chapter Three
Maps and Administrator Features
This chapter details how to customize the Graphic Controller program to suit an installation. The com-
mands and windows detailed in this chapter can only be accessed by operators with Administrator authority
(refer to Administrator Log On).
Normal operation of the Graphic Controller program is detailed in Chapter 4.
Before operators can begin normal operations, the following procedures must be completed:
1. The Graphic Controller software and hardware must be installed correctly (refer to Chapter 2 for in-
2. Maps that represent the installation must be designed (refer to Installation Maps).
3. Buttons for camera switching, alarms and areas (map loading) need to be programmed (refer to
4. The Graphic Controller workstation needs to be set up; e.g., Comms port configured, access to
menus and functions allocated/restricted from users (refer to Work Station Set Up).
5. The Pelco CM9760-CC1 must be operating correctly and configured to support the Graphic Con-
troller (refer to the CM9760-CC1 manual).
3.2.1 Logging on as an Administrator
There are two log on options available to administrators:
1. To be able to add and program buttons, e.g.,. camera buttons:
⇒ (a) Ensure a checkmark appears in the box next to Design in the Enter PIN window. If no cross
appears in the box, place the mouse cursor over the Design box and press the left hand mouse
button once — a checkmark will appear in the box.
⇒ (b) Enter the Administrator password (default password is Pelco), then press Enter.
⇒ (c) Design Mode - Comms feature has been disabled... message will appear. This means the
system cannot be accessed during this log in session; e.g., cameras can not be selected. Press
Enter or click on OK.
2. To be able to access normal system features; e.g., camera switching, while in Administrator mode: