
9760-Graphics User Interface Manual
Icon The dialog box it brings on screen Functions of dialog box
on this
brings up
the Macro
Macro Notes
Macros will be cleared when the operator that
loaded them logs off.
Only the operator that loaded a macro can
stop or clear it.
A macro must be cleared before another op-
erator can run it.
This dialog box can be used to
Load a Macro (click on Macro No and
enter a number)
Stop/start the macro whose number is in
the Macro No box (ie: the “Current
macro). Click on the Stop/Start button (the
button is labeled STOP or START de-
pending on whether the status of the
macro is Running or Stopped).
If a VCR is attached to an Alarm Interface Unit,
clicking on this icon will start or stop the re-
cording function.
on this
brings up
the GPI
on this
brings up
this dialog
This dialog box is used to operate GPI’s in the
system. GPI’s perform such functions as turning
lights on or off, close or open doors, operate
VCR’s, etc. A list of the functions of the GPI’s in
your system may be available from the manager.
Usually there are so many the system looks after
them automatically but they can also be operated
manually if you know their numbers.
The Alarm Arming dialog box is used to arm
and disarm alarms. For an operator to have ac-
cess to an alarm and be able to arm or disarm it,
the alarm must be allocated to that operator in
the 9760-MGR utility program
Each GPI has up to eight relays (also known
as auxiliaries). These can be turned on or off
by clicking on them.
The color indicates the auxiliary’s state:
red is off...
blue is activated...
green means the command has been re-
ceived by the 9760.
Click on Alarm No to select an alarm.
The logical number of the alarm must be
The Status box says if an alarm is armed
or disarmed.
The Arm/Disarm button reflects the status
of the alarm (eg: if the alarm’s status is
Armed, the button will provide the Disarm
Clicking on the arrow buttons will scroll you
forward or backward to the logical number of
the next or previous armed alarm.