Introduction to your PPS 2 - 9
This subsystem is used for stoppin
the step function of the power supply.
• CALibration
This subsystem is used for calibration of the instrument. Your power supply
can be calibrated without removin
the cover or removin
the power supply
from your rack measurement setup. This feature allows you to calibrate the
power supply at its normal operatin
temperature. The recommended
calibration interval is one year. Refer to the Reference Manual for complete
calibration details.
• DISPlay
This subsystem is used to control the front panel display.
• INITiate
This subsytem is used to start up (initiate) the step function of the power
• INSTrument
This subsystem is used to control the instrument functions.
• MEASure
This subsystem is used to measure (readback) output volta
e and output
• OUTPut
This subsystem is used to control an output channel.
• SOURce
This subsystem is used for source and settin
functions of an output channel,
such as : - source definitions
- volta
e (protection) settin
- current (protection) settin
- automatic steppin
• STATus
This subsystem is used for handlin
the device-dependent operational and
questionable status information.
• SYSTem
This subsystem is used to handle system and control functions, such as:
- lockout front panel control
- define the ’power on clear’ behavior
- request for status information
This subsystem is used to test the instrument.