your Pro
rammable Power Supply 5 - 5
• Extended STEP possibilities, i.e., the capability to step sequentially throu
h a
number of predefined volta
e and current settin
s. This can
be done: - Manually usin
the STEP key.
- Automatically at predefined intervals (internal timer)
- Externally - by a STEP line tri
er via the tri
er bus
- by a tri
er via the GPIB interface
You can use this feature to
enerate test patterns and simulate ramp
functions. The followin
table shows in which operatin
modes the STEP
capabilities can be used:
• Closed-case calibration, i.e., your power supply can be calibrated without
the cover or even without removin
the instrument from your system
cabinet. This feature allows you to calibrate your power supply at its normal
temperature. The recommended calibration interval is one year.
Refer to section 7.3.3 "Calibration" for complete calibration details.
• Protection circuitry for safe operation of your power supply:
- by providin
protection a
- by reportin
an UNREGULATED output channel situation
- by reportin
conflicts in parameter settin
- by reportin
erroneous situations durin
• Protection circuitry to protect a connected load:
ainst OVERVOLTAGE on each output channel
ainst OVERCURRENT on each output channel
ainst exceedin
the sense capability on each output channel
- with the ability to couple the volta
e and current settin
of the same output
channel (not valid for the linear power supplies)
- with the ability to couple the protection mechanisms of different output
channels of the same power supply
To increase the total output power, connect an output channel to another output
channel of the same volta
e and current ratin
s. The connection can be made in
series or in parallel. The output channels to be connected can be from the same
power supply or from different power supplies; however, the capability of couplin
protection mechanisms is only possible for output channels within the same
power supply.
:SOURCE:LIST:... commands
Trigger STEP line trigger