
8.1.5 Controlling Lights or other devices
Using X10 technology, you can remotely activate any electrical
device or appliance in your home through your Sensaphone. X10
technology is a suite of control modules that plug into your
existing electrical outlets and transmit coded signals to lamps,
lights, and appliances to turn them on or off (See Figure 2).
Figure 2: X10 Lighting Control Setup
Sensaphone supports these devices through use of the popular
X10 Powerflash relay interface. To learn more about this
technology, consult X10 products on the web at www.x10.com or
visit your local electronics shop such as Radio Shack.
Such applications may include turning on a lamp or exterior lights
remotely from your cellular telephone when arriving at your
cottage or cabin late at night. Or you can use the X10 Powerflash
Module (set to momentary contact) in conjunction with the X10
Universal Module to remotely control your electric garage door
opener over the telephone—an ideal way of letting in your cottage
or cabin service personnel without being on-site. You may also
use the X10 technology to send the ON/OFF signal to a furnace
or heater if your thermostat is not easy to wire directly.
Finally, in addition to remotely controlling devices, X10
technology lets you extend the reach of certain Sensaphone
sensors such as door contacts, motion sensors, or water sensors.
This of great benefit where it is impossible to wire directly from
your sensors to your Sensaphone. Consult a qualified electrician
or your heating professional for assistance with locating your
remote sensors or contact your Sensaphone dealer.
Chapter 8: Special Editions