Call Delay:
Intercall Time:
Voice Repetitions:
Call Progress:
Max Calls:
Alarm Messages:
By Telephone
On site
Chapter 7: Operation
III. Dial-out Begins Variable Factors
• The dial-out process is activated as soon as
the Call Delay time expires (if the alarm
has not been cancelled at the Model 1108’s
installation site.) The dial-out begins with
telephone number 1 and proceeds
sequentially, through the remaining
telephone numbers.
• If the alarm is not acknowledged with the
first dial-out telephone call, the Model
1108 waits the duration of Intercall Time
before dialing the next telephone number.
Intercall Time is the programmed waiting
period in between each dial-out telephone
•When the telephone is answered, the
programmed Voice Repetitions determine
the number of times per call the Model
1108 recites the alarm message.
• Call Progress, an automatic feature,
enables the Model 1108 to detect whether
or not the telephone call is answered. After
8 rings, or if a busy signal is encountered,
the Model 1108 will hang up, wait the
programmed Intercall Time, and proceed to
dial the next telephone number.
• If no telephone calls are answered, the
Model 1108 dials out sequentially, through
the remaining telephone numbers and
continues to cycle until the programmed
Maximum Number of Calls is reached.
•When the telephone is answered, the
Model 1108 will immediately begin
reciting a message that indicates which of
the inputs is in alarm. At the same time,
the alarm message is repeating at the
Model 1108’s installation site. The Model
1108 will request acknowledgment, if it
has not yet occurred.