If anygames ofthe selected teamsare currentlyplay-
ing, youcan displayinformation on thegames and
tune into thebroadcast channel.
You candisplay informationon the gameswhile en-
joying thesound fromthe station youare currently
tuned into. Youcan alsotune into thebroadcast
channel whenyou wishto.
1 Press M.C. todisplay thesetting mode.
2 Turn M.C.to selecta game.
! Thegamescore will beupdated automatically.
3 Press M.C. toswitch tothe otherstation and lis-
ten tothe game.
! Ifyou havenot selectedany teams,NOT SETis
! Whengames involvingyour favorite teamsare not
currently playing,NO GAMEis displayed.
Display (displaysetting)
You canswitch tothe desiredtext information.
! RefertoDisplay (display setting)on page19.
Instant Replay(Instant Replaymode setting)
1 Press M.C. toturn InstantReplay modeon oroff.
Pause (pause)
1 Referto Pause (pause)on page19.
Selecting a channel from a
channel category
Operations are the same as those of the XM
tuner. (Refer to Selecting a channel from a
channel category on page 42.)
Using the Instant Replay
The following functions can be operated in In-
stant Replay mode.
! To use this function, a Pioneer SIRIUS bus
interface (e.g. CD-SB10) is required.
! To use this function, a SIRIUS plug-and-
play unit with an Instant Replay Function is
! For details, refer to the SIRIUS plug-and-
play unit’s manuals.
Using InstantReplay mode
1 Referto Instant Replay(Instant Replaymode set-
ting) onthis page.
! Whenanothersource is selected,instant re-
play modeis canceled.
Select atrack
1 Push M.C. leftor right.
Fast forward orreverse
1 Push andhold M.C. leftor right,and then re-
Available accessories