Recommended filesize: 2Mbps orless with atrans-
mission rateof 2GB orless.
The IDcode ofthis unitmust be registeredto aDivX
VOD providerin orderto playback DivXVOD files.For
information onID codes,refer to Displayingthe DivX
VOD registrationcode on page39.
Formore detailsabout DivX,visitthe followingsite:
! When naming a JPEG image file, addthe cor-
responding filename extension (.jpg, .jpeg,.
jpe or.jfif).
! This unit plays back files with these filename
extensions (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe or.jfif) as a JPEG
image file. To prevent malfunctions, do not
use these extensions for files other than JPEG
image files.
Compressed audio/video
compatibility (USB, SD)
Fileextension: .wma
Bit rate:5 kbpsto 320kbps (CBR),VBR
Sampling frequency: 8kHz to48 kHz
Windows MediaAudio Professional, Lossless,Voice/
DRM Stream/Streamwith video:No
Fileextension: .mp3
Bit rate:8 kbpsto 320kbps (CBR),VBR
Sampling frequency: 8kHz to48 kHz(32 kHz, 44.1
kHz, 48kHz foremphasis)
Compatible ID3tag version:1.0, 1.1, 2.2,2.3 (ID3tag
Version 2.xis given prioritythan Version 1.x.)
M3u playlist:No
MP3i (MP3interactive), mp3PRO: No
Compatible format:AAC encodedby iTunes
Fileextension: .m4a
Bit rate:8 kbpsto 320kbps
Sampling frequency: 8kHz to44.1 kHz
Apple Lossless:No
AAC filebought onthe iTunesStore (.m4pfile exten-
sion): No
DivX compatibility
Compatible format:DivX videoformat implemented in
relation toDivX standards
Fileextensions: .avi or.divx
DivX Ultraformat: No
DivX HDformat: No
DivX fileswithout videodata: No
Compatible audiocodec: MP2,MP3, Dolby Digital
Bit rate:8 kbpsto 320kbps (CBR),VBR
Sampling frequency: 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48 kHz
Compatible externalsubtitle fileextension: .srt
Supplemental information
Only thefirst 32characters can bedisplayed asa file
name (includingthe fileextension) or afolder name.
This unitmay notoperate correctly dependingon the
application usedto encodeWMA files.
There maybe aslight delaywhen starting playbackof
audio filesembedded withimage data.
External storage device (USB, SD)
Playable folderhierarchy: upto eighttiers (Apractical
hierarchy isless thantwo tiers.)
Playable folders:up to6000
Playable files:up to65535
Playbackof copyright protectedfiles: No
Additional Information