(Contd. on the next page)
DJS Ver. 1.600
Uninstalling DJS
Select [DJS] from the list of installed programs
and then click [Uninstall and Change].
• If you are using Windows XP or Windows 2000, if you
select [DJS] by clicking on it, the [Change/Remove]
button is displayed; click on the [Change/Remove] button.
In Windows XP
• The [Deletes DJS] screen will open.
Click the items you wish to remove and click the
[Delete] button.
Deletes DJS and the DJS database.
[DJS only]:
Removes just DJS.
Leaves the DJS database on your computer.
If you reinstall DJS, you will be able to use the
information from the previous database again.
[Database only]:
Removes all DJS database information.
As DJS is not removed, you can start using DJS in the
same state as when you first installed DJS.
The DJS Database
All the music information recorded so
far (titles, artists, albums, etc) as well as
the categories (play lists, genres, etc.)
and settings, such as preferences are
Trial Version Uninstall
When you uninstall the trial version, if
you select [DJS only], you will be able
to use that database information just as
it is after you install DJS again.
To Stop Uninstalling
Click the [Cancel] button.