(Contd. on the next page)
DJS Ver. 1.600
Playing Sound Using the Fader Start Functions
Using the Fader Start Functions
If you use the Fader Start function, you can start a song playing
through either the operation of the cross fader or a channel fader. In
addition, if you set up a cue, you can also back cue.
You can do various things like starting players, cueing back, etc
simply via the fader, so you can make it perform like a sampler.
Channel Fader Start
How to use the Channel Fader Start function is explained here for
Player A. Before conducting the operations below, set a song for
Player A and put it into Cue Standby mode. Set the Channel Fader to
its minimum setting (Volume 0).
Click Player A’s [Fader Start] button to display
• Every time you click the [Fader Start] button, it switches
between the modes as follows.
Back Cue
Moves the playback position to the cue
point and goes to standby at that point.
Setting a [CUE]
‘Using the [CUE] button’ P.28