
3.12 Port Security
Of all 50 ports, some of the end nodes may need to assign to the specific port. In order to fulfill this act,
MAC Address should be added to that particular port. This is to ban other users from using the static
port. A port can accommodate up to 20 MAC Addresses. The Port security screen in Figure 3-15
Figure 3-15: Port Security Web Page
3.12.1 Setting Up Procedures
Step 1: Select the port that you want to add in the MAC Address
Step 2: Key in the MAC Address in the field provided, e.g. 00-00-00-01-10-00, and click Add button.
Then the system message will show as below. Press, return for back to the previous screen.
The system will then add in the New MAC Address into the listing on the right side of the screen. The
screen in Figure 3-16 appears.