3.14 Aging Control
Aging Control is for the aging of address entries in the switch’s forwarding table. If the aging control is
enabled, a learned address entry (not included the static entry) will be removed from the forwarding
table if there is no update within a pre-determined period (1 ~ 128 x 5 seconds). It is useful because the
resource of the forwarding table is limited. Enabling the aging control will not influence packets for-
warding, for that the packet is forwarded to all other ports when the destination MAC address cannot to
found in the forwarding table. If the aging control is disabled, all address entries will not be removes.
The Aging control screen in Figure 3-18 appears.
Figure 3-18: Aging Control Web Page
Aging Control Configuration Procedures
Step 1: Select “Enable” from the Aging Control option.
Step 2: Enter an integer in the entry, choosing from the range of 1 to 128, if the aging control is en-
If the aging control is disabled, this step can be skipped.
3.15 Address Search
Host Search is for searching a host by IP or MAC address on the whole switch, and getting the port
number to switch the host is connected. It is useful while configuring the VLAN. With this function, you
can easily detect the port at which a host is connected to and have an idea about which ports should be
included in a VLAN. The Address search screen in Figure 3-19 appears.