Transit Securement System www.pridemobility.com
18 Informational Supplement
Pride Occupied Transit Securement System Declarations
MANDATORY! A belt restraint system with both
pelvic and upper-torso belts must be used to
protect the power chair occupant and minimize the
likelihood of injury caused by contact with the
vehicle during a crash or sudden braking.
The occupied power chair was dynamically tested
in a forward-facing position with the surrogate
occupant restrained by both pelvic and upper-
torso belts and conforms with ANSI/RESNA WC/
Vol. 4, Section 19/ISO 7176-19.
The power chairs were tested with the following specifications:
Power Chair Mass
Radius with
Seat Size
Quantum 6000Z 348 lbs.
(158 kg)
24.5 in.
(62.23 cm)
18 in. x 20 in. A
Quantum 600 294 lbs.
(133 kg)
20 in.
(50.8 cm)
18 in. x 20 in. A
Q6 Edge 286 lbs.
(130 kg)
23.5 in.
(59.69 cm)
18 in. x 20 in. A
The overall rating of the power chair accommodating fit and use of a vehicle-
anchored belt restraint is listed above. This rating is ranked as follows:
Rating Description
A Excellent
B Good
D Poor