Transit Securement System www.pridemobility.com
4 Informational Supplement
Read and follow the information in the owner’s
manual and all supplemental information provided
with the power chair before initial operation.
Indicates that tested and approved power chair,
with similarly labeled tested and approved seating
system, conforms to ANSI/RESNA WC/Vol. 4,
Section 19/ISO 7176-19 for transport of an
occupied power chair in a motor vehicle.
Indicates power chair securement points.
WARNING! Indicates a potentially hazardous
condition/situation. Failure to follow designated
procedures can cause either personal injury,
component damage, or malfunction. On the
product, this icon is represented as a black symbol
on a yellow triangle with a black border.
MANDATORY! These actions should be performed
as specified. Failure to perform mandatory actions
can cause personal injury and/or equipment
damage. On the product, this icon is represented
as a white symbol on a blue dot with a white border.
PROHIBITED! These actions are prohibited. These
actions should not be performed at any time or in
any circumstances. Performing a prohibited action
can cause personal injury and/or equipment
damage. On the product, this icon is represented
as a black symbol with a red circle and red slash.
IMPORTANT! Indicates important information to
remember when using this product.