
Psion Teklogix netpad Win CE 4.1 User Manual 7
Chapter 1: Introduction
Additional Programs And Third Party Applications
The netpad is designed to operate in humidity ranging from 0 to 95%. Use of the
netpad in environments with condensing humidity or humidity outside these limits
may result in damage to the netpad.
Magnetic Fields And Static Electricity
The magnet of the netpad speaker may corrupt data stored on magnetic media. Do
not keep the netpad next to credit cards or other magnetic media.
Avoid exposing the netpad to strong magnetic fields or static electricity. Such expo-
sure may cause loss of data or result in damage to the netpad.
Do not attempt to dismantle the netpad. There are no user-serviceable parts inside,
and any attempt to dismantle the netpad will invalidate the warranty.
1.5 Additional Programs And Third Party Applications
Psion Teklogix has partnered with a number of companies to provide a suite of con-
nectivity and database tools for the netpad. Details are available on the Psion Tek-
logix Partner Program web site at: http://partners.psionteklogix.com/partners/.