
Chapter 6: Connecting netpad To A PC
Performing Regular Backups
Psion Teklogix netpad Win CE 4.1 User Manual
6.5.2 Performing Regular Backups
You can set ActiveSync to automatically backup when the device connects, so you
do not need to back up your netpad manually.
6.6 Synchronizing Your netpad
6.6.1 What Is Synchronization?
You can use synchronization to manage information that you wish to keep up to
date on both your PC and netpad, such as appointments or address book entries.
When you synchronize, ActiveSync checks the information in your PC program
with the matching program on your netpad, and then updates the files on both your
PC and netpad to include the new information. To synchronize, you must set up a
partnership between the netpad and the PC.
Some examples of synchronization are:
You add a new appointment in your netpad schedule; the date, time and
notes for the entry will be copied to your PC scheduler and notify you at the
appropriate time.
You change a phone number in your PC address book; it will be amended
in your netpad’s address book.
You enter overlapping appointments in your PC and netpad schedules;
ActiveSync will warn you of the conflict.
6.6.2 Synchronizing Your netpad
This section details the set-up and day-to-day use of ActiveSync to synchronize
files, e-mail, schedules, and so on, on the PC. The instructions assume some famil-
iarity with the use of Windows, and that you are using ActiveSync (supplied with
netpad). You must also have a local installation of the e-mail and schedule programs
to synchronize.
Partnerships are only necessary for synchronization, not to simply copy files from
the PC to the netpad. Before creating your partnership, note which types of informa-
tion you want to synchronize. You can synchronize the Calendar, Channels, Con-
tacts, Files, Inbox, Pocket Access and Tasks. ActiveSync will tell you which
desktop applications each of these relates to.